Neil Bernstein, Ph.D. Associate Sr. Consultant ACG Boston Office Office: (781) 595-4035 Mobile: (781) 883-2472 E-mail at
Dr. Neil Bernstein is an internationally recognized analyst and a marketing expert. He specializes in Electronic Health Records for group practices, educating providers and aligning provider and staff expectations with commercial capabilities. Additionally, Dr. Bernstein conducts research for vendors and users on business aspects of healthcare delivery, including: Managed Care Information Systems (MCIS), Third Party Administration (TPA) and Cost Trend Analysis for Healthcare Payers.
Dr. Bernstein has a very diverse background in academia, research, standards, software, analysis and marketing, including: Director of Technology Marketing and Business Development, WiFiMed, an Electronic Medical Records start-up; Marketing Director, Tecnomatix Technologies, where he was instrumental in both reinventing the corporate image and in gaining international recognition and coverage of Tecnomatix by all leading industry analysts; Analyst, D.H. Brown, Associates, where his trend-setting research received international acclaim; Manager, Applications Development, MatrixOne, where he also co-authored the PDM-Enablers standard, for the Object Management Group (OMG); Lecturer, Cranfield University, England, where he taught software engineering to graduate students and conducted software research, internationally. Dr. Bernstein received his BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 1985/1989 and his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Computing, Cranfield University, England, 1996. He received the Outstanding Project award for his research into electrical stimulation of arm muscles for quadraplegs. The research from his MS and Ph.D. has been adopted for use in both international standards and commercial software.