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AC Group, Inc. is conducting a brief survey of PMS and EHR functionality for OB/GYN providers. Please submit your responses by April 30, 2008. The results of the survey will be presented in a white paper and distributed at TEPR and MGMA in 2008.
The electronic health record is often positioned as a solution for improving the quality of patient care. However, in a recent analysis of ambulatory visits, the implementation of the electronic health record by itself was not associated with higher quality care. Therefore, the electronic health record’s potential to improve quality falls on its ability to incorporate clinical decision support tools (eg, reminders and alerts, order sets, health maintenance and disease management dashboards) at the point of care, as well as supply the library of evidence-based content supporting these tools in OB/GYN practices.
In addition to its effect on quality and operations, OB/GYN specific PMS/EHR applications are having an increased financial impact. With the recent growth in pay-for-performance programs, OB/GYN physician compensation is increasingly linked to clinical processes, outcomes and the use of EHRs. This trend is expected to continue, and physicians must prepare now for this shift. EHR vendors should begin to incorporate specialty specific product functionality content and tools that enable OB/GYN clinicians to make evidence-based treatment decisions that improve both patient care and their bottom line.